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We’re proud to be transparent on pricing

We're an independent, family-owned practice, dedicated to being 100% honest and transparent with our clients.

That means that we give you behind-the-scenes access to our team through our social media channels, and an open invite to pop in for a brew when you’re passing by.

It also means that we want to be as open with our pricing as possible.

Where we can we have fixed prices, which you can see below. We also have our Fire Plan, which includes unlimited free vet visits throughout the year so you can pop in to see an expert whenever you’re worried.

Some surgeries and other complex procedures are difficult to accurately price in advance but we will always aim to discuss these costs with you and provide an estimate.

Should costs change or should this not be possible in an emergency we’ll always do everything we can to communicate with you, before any procedure, and throughout the process. Wherever possible we’ll lay out our fixed prices for complete clarity.


This includes TPLO surgery (£3000) and fracture repair (£2500-£3500) – which are among the procedures we can perform on referral from around London and the surrounding area.

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